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Upcoming Dates 2024

Online Offerings, Retreats & Festivals​​


Thursday 5th - Sunday 8th September, Glastonbury

Love Jam Campout

For more information, please click here


Friday 20th - Wednesday 25th September, Spain

Medicine Womb Retreat

Shamanism, Curanderismo & Medicine Ceremonies - Inviting remembrance of the fullness of ourselves, the ancient codes of our blood, our bones, connection with our soul’s lineage and beyond. 

For more information, please click here


Wednesday 16th - Sunday 20th October

Our Living Voice Retreat

5 days of deep nature immersion in the spectacular beauty of Snowdonia at eco retreat centre Cae Mabon.

Including voice activation and voice play, medicine music and kirtan, soul writing workshop, plant medicine ceremonies, sound healing, breath-work, kundalini yoga, nature walks, visit to sacred site, jam sessions, hot tub by the river, sharing circles, healthy vegan meals.

For more information, please click here


Sunday 27th October, 11am - 6pm, Shepperton

Samhain Elemental Soul Day Retreat

Women's Circle, Cacao Ceremony, Shamanic Journey, Earth-honouring, Elemental Healing, Sound Healing & Song Circle

See below for more information.

Exchange: £80


Sunday 24th November, 11am - 6pm, Shepperton

Winter Elemental Soul Day Retreat

Women's Circle, Cacao Ceremony, Shamanic Journey, Earth-honouring, Elemental Healing, Sound Healing & Song Circle

See below for more information.

Exchange: £80





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Our Prayer for The Wild Feminine Soul


Within every woman, there is a wild and natural creature, a powerful cosmic force, filled with strong instincts, passionate creativity, and ancient knowing. 


But, for thousands of years, women have forgotten their connection to the wild feminine soul, because of the dominant paradigm which dismissed the sacred and shamed the feminine.


For too long, women have been forced to shut down their intuition, guard their hearts, close their eyes and contract their spirits. 


The result is a profound sickness of the wild feminine soul, one that affects us both individually and collectively. It is a story of alienation from each other, from Nature and from the miraculous beauty and Mystery of Life. 


Until Now. 


We are living in a time prophesied by the ancients and indigenous wisdom keepers known as The Great Remembering. It is a time of accelerated transformation for humanity, and a collective shift to a more enlightened consciousness. 


We, the daughters of Earth, are here to birth the new story. We, the daughters of The Goddess, are Returning ourselves back to Wholeness and Holiness. 


Together, we are calling back the wild feminine soul.


Bone by bone, hair by hair, dream by dream, She Returns.

Image by Frames For Your Heart

Elemental Soul Day Retreat


Are you longing to rediscover your connection to Mother Earth, honour the voice of your soul, and forge deep connections with a community of like-minded women? 


Join us for an Elemental Soul Day Retreat, a truly powerful women's gathering of deep connection, soul exploration, inner transformation, collective prayer, and alignment with Mother Nature's cycles.


What To Expect


Copal Smudging Ritual

A cleansing ritual to allow copal's fragrant smoke to purify and clear stagnant energies in the body and energy field, giving you clarity for the intentions you will set for the day.


Invocation & Prayer
We will commence the ceremony by invoking our team of spiritual allies on behalf of the group. These benevolent beings surround and support us, offering their wisdom, protection, and healing energies. Together, we will open our hearts to the blessings and wisdom of these powerful guides.


Ceremonial Cacao Medicine

We will then serve Ceremonial Cacao concocted into a warm and soothing drink. Cacao is an ancient medicine which floods the body with healing compounds to facilitate relaxation, emotional release, the opening of the heart centre, and a deepening into your intuition.

Sharing Circle
Next, we will open the circle where each woman will have the opportunity to share their experiences and dreams with a circle of women. Through this ancient and timeless practice, we break down the boundaries of our separateness, and serve each other as compassionate witnesses and reflections. In the sharing circle, we are free to express ourselves authentically and honestly with no fear of judgement as we hold space for each woman’s unique journey.


Guided Shamanic Journey & Immersive Sound Healing

We will then embark upon a transformative guided shamanic journey with deep, resonant, and immersive sound healing. This inner journey will help you to clear unconscious blocks in the psyche and unlock the wisdom and guidance held within your heart. As you travel through the realms of your soul, you will connect with your ancestors and spiritual allies, receiving their deep wisdom. These insights will illuminate your path, providing you with clarity, healing, and a deeper understanding of your soul’s purpose.​


Sisterhood Lunch 

Enjoy a wholesome organic lunch amongst our community in sacred sisterhood. We will be serving a heart-warming butternut squash and coconut curry with quinoa salad, and a warming mug of masala chai. All vegan and gluten free.


Silent Nature Walk & Forest Bathing

We believe Mother Nature is the greatest healer and teacher of all. This will be an opportunity to connect and tune in deeply to the Earth to receive her profound nurturing force and ancient wisdom for your soul's healing.


​​Collective Earth Offering 

In the spirit of sacred reciprocity, we will create a collective Earth offering to give thanks to Mother Earth. This is a ritual offering made up of: herbs, seeds, grains, flowers and honey, infused with the energy of the group's prayers to be alchemised by Spirit.


Sacred Fire Circle & Song Circle

Finally, we will celebrate together with uplifting medicine songs and mantra around the fire. Every woman is invited to participate fully bringing their own unique voice forward in a collective sound. Together, we will activate our throat chakras and open our voices.


We will close the day with a group prayer. 


The outer turbulence we face collectively, is the dying gasp of the old destructive story which has kept women silent and disempowered for far too long. Stepping together, hand in hand, into conscious unity is one of the most powerful acts of healing and activism we can do. Through circle and ceremony, we participate in the redemption and reclamation of the human spirit, in the hope of a brighter, more colourful future for our planetary Home.

Image by Marek Szturc
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